Loveen goes to the Netherlands
Loveen travels to the Netherlands.
A boat’s natural home is on the water but in this case Loveen, the 97 year old Galway hooker, will embark on a journey of her lifetime! Along with 40 Galway Sea Scouts, their leaders and families she will travel via road and ferry to represent Irish traditional nautical heritage at Nawaka, the Scout International National Water Kamp that's held every 4 years in the Netherlands with over 7,000 participants from all over the world.
Scouting Ireland is the largest youth-based organisation in Ireland, with 45,000 members. Once a youth member joins scout groups, they will join over one billion other Scouts. Port of Galway Sea Scouts (24th Galway) is a vibrant, energetic scouting group that has youth members ranging from 6 years to 18 years. They follow an exciting programme based on the national adventure skills framework, including sailing, paddling, hillwalking, pioneering, backwoods and camping. At the heart of scouting is youth empowerment.
Loveen and crew in conjunction with Galway Sea Scouts are departing Ireland to join the Nawaka 2022 event in the Netherlands .
On Monday 8th of August to Wednesday 17th August 2022 Sea Scouts between the ages of 11 and 18 are invited at Nawaka 2022. Groups from The Netherlands and other countries will gather at Scouting Landgoed Zeewolde in the Netherlands. Nawaka is full of big, exciting and cheerful activities near, on and in the water. A time to never forget!
Nawaka is the event for sea scouts in the Netherlands that is organized every 4 years. The camp is known for its adventurous activities with a nautical tint with an amazing scouting vibe. During Nawaka there are enough opportunities for adventure with your friends and to make new ones.
More information at Nawaka website
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